Call for Death Review Panel in light of unprecedented increase in homeless deaths

homeless female

Megaphone renews call for Death Review Panel in light of unprecedented increase in homeless deaths   For Immediate Release: Megaphone renews call for Death Review Panel in light of unprecedented increase in homeless deaths Vancouver, B.C. March 21, 2019 Today, in the wake of the release of BC Coroners Service data showing another unprecedented increase … Read more

Megaphone Magazine Speakers Bureau

Megaphone’s Speakers Bureau, established in 2019, is a public awareness program connecting audiences with speakers who have lived experience of drug use and overdose prevention. Our speakers offer candid reflections on their experiences navigating the world as a drug user, and speak directly to developing services that meet the needs of people who use drugs, … Read more

Christmas Message from Peter Thompson Megaphone Vendor

As December 2018 frost crunches underfoot and we hunch our shoulders against the cold , I’m looking ahead to winter solstice: that welcome day when we’ll turn the corner on darkness and the days begin to inch longer and lighter. In these dark months, we’ve got to make our own light to get by. Winter … Read more

Megaphone’s 7th annual literary edition, Voices of the Street.


Voices of the Street is turning 7! Join us May 16th for a night of storytelling and readings from Megaphone’s 7th annual literary edition, Voices of the Street. This event sells out every year. Be sure to get your tickets early! It is a joy and a privilege to be invited into the raw and … Read more

Two homeless women booted from women’s shelter to make room for transgendered male in Kelowna

Canada’s LGBT zeal results in females being evicted from women’s shelter in British Columbia. Several times in the past, Megaphone Magazine, which is supposed to be a magazine advocating for the homeless, used the front page of their “magazine” to post transgender or gay issues. Many thought that that Megaphone had been taken over by … Read more

Has Megaphone Magazine become MegaLeft?

For those who might not be aware of Megaphone Magazine it is a “street newspaper” that is sold by “street people“.  You will see frequently homeless people selling it for a suggested donation of at least 2 dollars. The homeless and low-income sell it to promote awareness of homelessness. As such; NOT transgender issues. Especially … Read more



“If people were told regularly that they have skills and could have work and do the work properly, there would be more people off the street.” “I came down to Vancouver in 2003. I’ve been here for quite a while, bouncing around. I lived on the street for two 
years before the 2010 Olympics came. … Read more

New issue of Megaphone on the streets today

megaphone magazine

The kids are out of school for only two more weeks, but for parents, the summers can feel long—especially if they’re going it alone. In the new issue of Megaphone out today, learn how a single father is leading the charge in forming new, necessary networks of community support for Downtown Eastside dads. FIND A VENDOR … Read more

New Issue of Homeless Magazine ——- May 9 2014

Sites, Rites & Gratitude New issue of Megaphone on the streets today Vancouver’s Chinatown is changing as new residents and businesses put down stakes. In the latest issue of Megaphone out today we look at the artistic community’s efforts to retain the culture that built Chinatown. FIND A VENDOR Commemorating Chinatown: Artists bring old and new Chinatown residents together to celebrate and … Read more