Paul Mochrie continues his corrupt and unprofessional actions now with the Balmoral Hotel Crisis

paul morchie city of vancouver

What a stunning and disturbing scene when we saw Paul Mochrie standing in front of reporters pretending that he is doing his job by taking action against the notorious Balmoral Hotel.  However, the truth is that we never saw Paul Mochrie in front of reporters before, ONLY UNTIL, Wendy Pederson, who, has been an advocate … Read more

Salvation Army in Vancouver again is caught charging 40 dollars for shoes

Salvation Army Thrift Store in Vancouver does it again.  In May 2015 we wrote about them charging 25 dollars for donated used shoes.  However, instead of apologizing they have showed insidious actions.  In addition we wrote to Patricia Cuf, Div. Director of Public Relations & Development The Salvation Army BC Division hoping that she would offer an explanation. … Read more

Salvation Army in Kitsilano is charging over 40 dollars for used shoes

salvation army vancouver

The Salvation Army Headquarters are either not monitoring their local Salvation Army Thrift Stores or they are turning a blind eye to the injustice and price-gouging. On May 13 2015 we visited Kitsilano Salvation Army (Kitsilano is a high-rent neighbourhood in Vancouver).  A man on welfare who has about 210 dollars a month left after … Read more