Community Celebration Day- June 18, 2016 Schedule
The 2016 Gathering Festival Community Celebration Day is on June 18th in Emery Barnes Park from 10 AM to 8 PM. . We hope to see you there!
Tom Lavin and the Ledgendary Powder Blues
The 2016 Gathering Festival Community Celebrations occurs on Saturday June 18th at Emery Barnes Park. MC’ed by D Jacques Lalonde, the event startes at 10am with An Aboriginal opening and a free pancake breafast followed by performances from the Iskwew Singers and Carnegie Jazz Band. Performances continued throughout the day and included Kutapira Marimba, Tom Lavin and the Powder Blues, VanDjango, Wheelchair Dance, the Gathering Place Choir and so much more. A number of activities will be presented, including face painting, art demonstrations and kids games.
The Paperboys
The night will end with a spectacular performance by Vancouver’s preimeir Celtic group the Paperboys.
Kutapira Marimba
Marimba percussion band with Afro-Cuban beats. Kutapira means ‘sweetness’ in the Shona language of Zimbabwe.
The acoustic string ensemble made up of four of Canada’s most talented musicians; violinist Cameron Wilson, guitarist Budge Schachte, cellist Finn Manniche and bassist Brent Gubbels.
Welcome the trio of award-winning Aboriginal women who create and perform songs in the plains tradition. with hand-drums and rattles, these powerful singers bring the songs and sounds of their rich and vibrant culture to the ears of the world.
Carnegie Jazz Band
Welcome the Carnegie Jazz Band that will perform on the day of the festival. The enthusiasts and amateurs are part of the Carnegie Community Centre Jazz Band program!