Let’s have housing justice at 58 West Hastings and recognize housing as a human right

For more than a decade, residents of the Downtown Eastside (DTES) have been fighting for housing justice to ensure that low-income residents are not displaced by constant rental hikes and gentrification. Uniting as the Our Homes Can’t Wait Coalition (OHCW), DTES residents and over 20 grassroots organizations have campaigned to raise public awareness on the … Read more

Battle for 58 West Hastings: Broken Promises and Co-optation, 2016-2018

58 West Hastings

For years, an empty lot at 58 West Hastings has been at the centre of a fight for social housing in the Downtown Eastside (DTES). Since 2007, it has been the site of numerous actions including the 2010 Olympic Tent Village, when women- and Indigenous-led tent cityforced Concord Pacific to abandon its condo plans for the … Read more

A public hearing for 58 West Hastings will be held on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 6 pm at Vancouver City Hall.

A public hearing for 58 West Hastings will be held on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 6 pm at Vancouver City Hall. The notice of public hearing can be read here: http://rezoning.vancouver.ca/applications/58whastings/documents/58WHastings-PHPostcard-2018-01-16.pdf   Full application here http://rezoning.vancouver.ca/applications/58whastings/index.htm