BC Homeless was founded on the principles of advocacy and activism. Our goals are to speak up for homeless and low-income powerless citizens. And we keep hearing and reading all the victims of injustice, bullying and intimidation. As such, we had to report and go public when we witnessed the deplorable abuse and hostility a low-income middle-eastern citizen suffered at the hands of an “organization” called Hub Cycling. While they claim to promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” You will quickly see that the head of the board is lead and managed by a white Canadian named Jeff Leigh, President and the Executive director is again a white Canadian named Laura Jane.
Where is the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity? No Blacks, Asians, Middle-Easterns, and 8 women and 2 men?

The facts are simple. The low-income middle-eastern citizen was asked by Hub Cycling to offer several hours of photography services for free. The low-income middle-eastern citizen agreed because he thought it would help me get more business in the future. However after providing several hundreds of dollars of free services to Hub Cycling all he did was ask for a 10 dollar membership. We repeat. All he asked for a 10 dollar membership for providing a few hundred dollars of services.
After reading what happened next your jaw will drop. As you will read below, Hub Cycling is requiring professional services and timing from the low-income middle-eastern citizen.
Then read what the low-income middle-eastern citizen wrote:
Notice that the low-income middle-eastern citizen just simply asked for a 10 dollar membership? No reply at all.
He even tried sending a text to An Hoang Event Coordinator for Hub Cycling However instead of Ms. Hoang acting kind and agreeing to the 10 dollar membership, Instead An Hoang did not even reply. We repeat she did not even reply to his text. Not even replying such as: ” I will pass on your request to the appropriate person”. So for that event the white leadership at Hub Cycling received free photo services and the low-income middle-eastern citizen didn’t even receive a 10 dollar membership.
So you would think the interaction was over, In which Hub Cycling would get their 100s of dollars in service and the low-income middle-eastern citizen get nothing, maybe some publicity. However Hub Cycling organized a second event called the “Hub Cycling Bike Festival” and again they invited the low-income middle-eastern citizen to offer 100s of dollars of free services again. However the only thing the low-income middle-eastern citizen received was a key chain and a few snacks, While Hub Cycling made several hundreds of dollars through ticket purchases.
After the second event things went south fast.
The low-income middle-eastern citizen admonished Ms. An Hoang because he was suffering a crisis. Anyone being ignored after offering several hundreds of dollars would be upset also. As such, after the low-income middle-eastern citizen admonished Ms. An Hoeng for the abuse, instead of Hub Cycling apologize for the misconduct they decided to double-down on the abuse. Hub Cycling decided to cause he low-income middle-eastern citizen more harm and another crisis. Hub Cycling then blocked the low-income middle-eastern citizen account on his Instagram business account. Which not only leads to social and business harm but even triggers the Instagram Algorithm to reduce his online presence. It also also a slick form of defamation or libel which is even more damaging.
As such. The low-income middle-eastern citizen decided to seek justice. He then sent an email requesting only 200 dollars or he will file in Small Claims Court, which is his legal and consumer right. Again. Instead of Hub Cycling apologizing, he gets a one-sided, self-serving and THREATENING email from Emily Beam, the Director of Operations. Read below Emily Beam’s deplorable reply to the low-income middle-eastern man, who offered several hundreds of dollars to Hub Cycling:
Please cease all further communication with HUB Cycling and our staff immediately. If you continue, our lawyer will communicate with you directly.
It was most likely to block the Small Claims Court process and also to prevent the community from being exposed to a case of bullying and intimidation. At best, very heavy handed and hostile.
The final reply from the low-income middle-eastern citizen was this:
However. Emily Beam decided to increase the threats against the low-income middle-eastern citizen and increase the intimidation by having a lawyer threaten him. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT BANNING. the low-income middle-eastern citizen who gave them hundreds of dollars of free services. A clear case of psychotic and high-flier behavior. Emily Beam knows that the low-income middle-eastern citizen cannot afford 500 dollars an hour for a lawyer in order to be allowed to ride a bicycling with others in the community. And to get justice for the libeal and defamation of being banned from the Hub Cycling social and fitness events which will lead to deleterious health consquences also.
Even a famous Judge in Vancouver Justice Funt recently stated:
Which was most likely why Emily Beam added insult to injury and had an ex-crown attorney lawyer from vancouver named Nils Preshaw not only threatend the low-income middle-eastern citizen but block him from going public by informing others at Hub Cycling events or from reporting or appealing Emily Beam’s decision to the white Canadian Jeff Leigh, President or the Executive director who is again a white Canadian named Laura Jane. Doesent Ms. Beam believe that middle-eastern citizens have the right to due process? Even their slick lawyer Nils Preshaw denied the middle-eastern man the right to due process.
So to wrap it up, You have witnessed the corruption and misconduct the low-income middle-eastern citizen has suffered from white high-status confederates who claim to be professional, diverse, equitable and inclusive.
We are sure you will join good citizens and help the low-income citizen get justice. Start by contacting the white Canadian Jeff Leigh, President and the Executive director who is again a white Canadian named Laura Jane. and demand that the low-income middle-eastern man is blocked from due process by bullies and slick represensible cowards. Remember the famous quotes: Silence in the face of evil is evil.
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