Eviction Self Defence Handbook (learn your rights!)

Eviction Self Defence Handbook (learn your rights!)

As a tenant in British Columbia, you have rights under residential tenancy law, and your landlord has responsibilities.

The Eviction Self-Defence Handbook is designed to give you a basic understanding of those rights and responsibilities during the eviction process so that you can prepare to dispute your eviction, if necessary. It is important to remember that even though there are laws in place to protect you, landlords do not always follow the rules.

This handbook is not legal advice. If you are unsure about your legal rights, or if you need help disputing an eviction, you should contact a legal advocate. Resources for finding advocates are listed on Page 9.

This resource book was produced by the Downtown Eastside SRO Collaborative Society (SRO-C) in partnership with Pivot Legal Society.

SRO•( works to prevent renovictions and improve habitability in Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels. It brings tenants together to file complaints for safety and management conditions at the BC Residential Tenancy Branch and to support Vancouver City Inspectors’ efforts, where possible, to bring buildings up to code.

Pivot is a leading human rights organization based out of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside that works on behalf of marginalized communities to create a just, fair and equal society through litigation, law reform, research and legal education.


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